Monday, March 21, 2011

England: Part 3

So yesterday I got to go to a Danish football game! It was the rivalry match and well F.c. Copenhagen rocks! Oh my goodness, they beat Bronby, 3 to 1 and provided a thrilling match. FCK was down in the first half and brought it out for the second half.

Back to England:
So it's Friday and I'm at Paddington Station for the second time, headed back to the Western English countryside but not as far, it's Westbury. I was going to visit family friends from when we were in Saudi, a super duper cute British couple. Basically, I had a fabulous time except for how I was feeling. I got a bit sick from the stressful week with the class/several of my friends were sick the week before and it was just my luck getting sick at the end of the vacation. Anyway, I got there on Friday and sat and filled them in on my life/the Berg's since Saudi. Oh and I had several spots of tea with biscuits. Oh and some quality English teley.

On Saturday, they took me out to Avebury, which is like Stone Henge but without the tourist groups. Plus people built a town around these massive stones and there was a cute old, old church there. Basically super cultural and beautiful. Then we went to the superest, cutest old English town ever. Lacock, where they film all those old English movies, was the quaintest little town ever. Apparently they cover the roads in gravel when they film old films there so it looks historical. We then drove around the countryside and looked at all the ROLLING HILLS, it was so awesome. Oh of course I was feeling utterly terrible by noon and we had to pick up a load of cough drops. So of course it was time to sit and lounge and watch 6 Nations rugby all afternoon. I got some more tea and fun rest time.
Part of the Moon circle

Part of the Sun Circle

Really old baptismal font (?)

Cute old English church, from a long long time ago.

Then on Sunday, I was feeling much better, and we went to see the White Horses carved into the English countryside. A long time ago, people wanted calcium, chalk carvings in the countryside and well they were super impressive. We then had a traditional English roast lunch at a super cute local pub/restaurant. I was super bummed that I had to leave but even the ride to the airport was gorgeous. It didn't rain, it was sunny the whole time, oh it was so great. I recommend a trip to everyone.
Big white horse, they're everywhere.

A ton of crazy people.

Roast chicken, potatoes, and Yorkshire pudding, which isn't really pudding.

Sticky toffee Pudding, and English classic.

John and Judy!!!

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